CPT PVT Test Tool is qualified by Visa for Global Self-Service Personalisation Validation Testing

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At Barnes International we are continuing to lead the personalisation validation testing market by developing the first test tool to be fully qualified by Visa for the new Global Self-Service PVT process. 

Issuers, and card personalisation bureaus on behalf of issuers, can now test their cards with our qualified PVT tool. Then directly generate a Pass results file for electronic submission into Visa Global’s CCRT validation process, removing the need to send the physical cards to Visa. Which should save considerable time, effort and cost and also minimise carbon footprint. 


Visa Global Self-Service PVT 

The Visa Global Self-Service PVT process has been launched recently by Visa to all markets worldwide except Europe. With the self-service option, issuers can perform PVT on their own. This eliminates the need to send white plastics to Visa for validation. The key benefits include;

  • Streamlined testing with remote PVT using the new CPT software
  • Easier outsourcing for card personalisation, production and fulfillment
  • Faster time to market through more efficient processes
  • Saving money on fees and distribution.

Visa Self-service CPT4 process

Matthieu Charpentier, Vice President, Authentication and Identity at Visa stated “At Visa, we are committed to driving advancements in secure, innovative solutions. The Global Self-Service PVT initiative underscores our dedication to fostering a more efficient and secure authentication process for our customers.” 

To be able to use the self-service option, a Visa-qualified PVT tool containing the Visa digitised test set must be used.


The CPTv4 qualified tool for Visa Global Self-Service PVT is a development of our market-leading CPT platform. Building on the worldwide success of the CPT Visa Europe Self-Service test tool and applying our expertise in software development we have created an intuitive, differentiated and superior certification testing product.

There are a whole host of additional enhanced features. Including digitised card images and automated hardware detection, making the end-to-end testing process simpler, intuitive and seamless. Demonstrating our commitment to continually innovate and lead the development of the best quality and most reliable test tools for payment card and device personalisation testing

This test tool enables issuers and card personalisation bureaus to validate and pre-certify their cards against the latest Visa chip personalisation requirements and product rules. All supported by our expert technical support and consultancy services. 


Contact us now to find out more about our market-leading test tools or arrange a demonstration.

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